Genesis 2:2 (NIV)

What particularly spoke to you today?

Take time reading and allow God to speak to you. Highlight the verse or verses that stand out.

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.

What do you think God is saying?

Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and reveal Jesus to you. Rewrite the scripture in your own words.

By the end of the week, God had completed His creation, so He took a rest on the last day.

How can you apply this today?

Personalize what you have read by considering the instruction, encouragement, revelation of a new promise or corrections for your own life.

Two things stand out to me, one I've seen before and one that's brand new. First, if all-powerful God needed a break at the end of the week, surely those of us who are not omnipotent need at least the same. Second, God finished His work before he stopped. How restful is it, really to take a break in the middle of something? Perhaps I need to take another look at all I need to do and see how it might be broken down into manageable 6-day chunks, with a built-in day of refreshment when the week's work is done.

What are you and God talking about?

Ask God to help you use this scripture, and thank Him for what He may be revealing to you. Prayer is a conversation, so remember to listen as well as speak.

Lord, You know I have a hard time cooling my heels. Help me to learn from Your example what it means to complete my work and rest. Let me be more respectful of my own limitations. Help me to prioritize what is most important and what is simply busywork filling up the spaces of my life and keeping me from focusing on the work You are truly calling me to do.

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